LinkSquares Users Can't Use Teams & Slack to Self-Serve

Choose Summize for Superior Contract Lifecycle Management

Make an informed decision when it comes to managing your contracts. Discover why Summize outshines LinkSquares as the superior Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) solution. Benefit from seamless integrations, simplified collaboration, and advanced features that empower your business.

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Summize G2 score
G2 Score 4.8/5
LinkSquares G2 Score

Cloud-based CLM software that unites legal and business stakeholders

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The aspects of Summize we are most impressed by so far are the integration with Teams, which allows for easy contract drafting.

Summize's review & repository is best in class

Seamless Integration for Effortless Collaboration

With Summize, you can streamline contract creation, review, and legal consultations. We integrate seamlessly with all your favourite tools like Teams and Slack. Empower your teams to work together efficiently, ensuring a smooth flow of all your contracts.

Enhanced Functionality with Microsoft Word Integration

Coming soon! Summize will offer direct integration with Microsoft Word, giving you access to its comprehensive features alongside our existing powerful tools. Combine the best of both worlds to elevate your contract management experience. Until then, the Summize Word Add-In provides you a supercharged contract experience within Word.

Proven Implementation Success

Our satisfied customers rave about our implementation program, which ensures a personalized and hands-on experience. We believe in equipping you with the necessary knowledge and skills to make the most of Summize. Our mandatory hands-on implementation program ensures a smooth transition and empowers your teams to utilize our CLM solution effectively.

Trusted Backing and Agile Innovation

Summize is backed by renowned VCs and esteemed board members who are readily available to discuss our growth and future plans. We pride ourselves on our ability to innovate quickly, continuously enhancing our product based on customer feedback. Your voice matters in shaping our product roadmap.

Detailed Contract Summaries with Summize AI

Summize takes contract analysis to the next level with the optional Summize AI addition. Unlock more detailed and descriptive contract summaries, saving you valuable time and enhancing your understanding of critical contract terms and conditions.

See how Summize measures up against

Based on G2 review data - Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software category.​
Meets Requirements
Ease of Use
Ease of Setup
Quality of Support
Contact Editing
Contract Templates
Contract Creation
Contract Database
Advanced contract analytics

Download the datasheet

The datasheet will explain how Summize caters to your pre-to-post signature contract needs, including key features and benefits that you can download and share with colleagues.

Download now to learn how Summize can improve your contract efficiency by up to 85%.
Download the datasheet

Integrates with your favourite Cloud technology

Summize integrates directly with the tools your business regularly uses, minimizing any change to how you work.

Outlook & Gmail

Effortlessly manage contracts with our email integration by sending contracts to a designated inbox. Documents arrive immediately, ready for triage, eliminating manual uploads to Summize and helping your legal team organise and categorise their contract portfolio.

Summize AI

Summize AI speeds up the first-pass contract review process and creates meaningful, clear summaries for internal users.
It includes the AI Prompts in Clause Manager and the AI Assistant in Microsoft Word for rephrasing, translating, shortening, and querying sections of your contract, with templated prompts for regularly used requests, making it easier than ever to work with contracts.


With the Summize embeddable Legal Front Door in Salesforce, customers can seamlessly use the Create contract, Review contract or Ask Legal functionality directly in their existing Salesforce account, without having to switch applications. Your deals move faster while legal retain full control.

Microsoft Teams

The Summize Assistant in Teams is your automated communication between legal and commercial users. By creating a Legal Front Door within Microsoft Teams, users can create contracts, raise issues, and submit documents all within the native chat experience – controlled and governed by legal in the back-end.


The Summize Assistant in Slack is your automated communication between legal and commercial users. By creating a Legal Front Door within Slack, users can create contracts, raise issues, and submit documents all within the native chat experience – controlled and governed by legal in the back-end.

Microsoft Word

Continue to work in Microsoft Word with the Summize Word Add-in that enables legal users to create, review, redline and negotiate contracts directly within Word. Rephrase, translate, and query contract sections with the AI Assistant and enjoy version control with the integrated Word for the Web, leading to faster contract reviews, identifying risk across the business.


Speed up your contractual workflows and get to revenue quicker. Automatically push contracts from Summize to DocuSign for signature and send signed contracts into the Summize inbox for storage, helping you to utilise the Summize intelligence for pre- and post-signature contracts.

Adobe Sign

Request and add e-signatures within Adobe Sign and then send these documents to Summize. The digital eSignature leads to faster negotiation processes directly in your existing workflows, but utilises the power of Summize's technology for pre- and post-signature contracts.


With the Summize embeddable Legal Front Door in Jira, customers can seamlessly use the Create contract, Review contract or Ask Legal functionality directly in their existing Jira account, without having to switch applications. Enjoy more agile and faster projects while legal retain full control.

See Summize in action

Book your FREE demo now to explore how Summize puts an end to contract inefficiencies.

An initial 15 minute discovery call to capture your needs
A tailored demo of the relevant Summize functionality

A proposal based on your specific requirements

Schedule a free demo with one of our contract specialists:
Please use your work email with the company domain.
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