Tom Dunlop - CEO & Founder, Summize
Tech Play Day really wanted to put the fun back into tech. So we've been to a number of events. We realised that having stalls and people basically being heckled the entire time probably isn't a great experience for the attendees.
Jonny Jessop - Enterprise Account Manager, Summize
Whilst that's kind of been the standard in many industries, it's not necessarily the best way to educate people and help them to learn.
Tom Dunlop - CEO & Founder, Summize
It's all about having fun, allowing people to actually play with the tech.
Jonny Jessop - Enterprise Account Manager, Summize
It's a much better use of your time and people enjoy it.
Timo Karakashev - CEO, Cosmonauts
It's been great to be here at the Summize Tech Play Day. I'm always curious about new alternative formats for conferencing. So I've really enjoyed the day.
Kristian Harper - Account Manager, AkoniHub
We thought it was really good to come along, have a chat, network and find out a little bit more about how we could fit in and help these types of clients.
Paul Massey - CEO & Founder,
Playing with the tools in a gamified way has just been a real eye opener and given us loads of insight into what lawyers are looking for.
Keesha Thayalan - Design & Tech Lead, Claustack
So I found that the idea has been sort of quite different in the legal space, but I feel like every vendor has worked quite differently to implement that idea into their platform.
Catherine Bamford - CEO & Founder, BamLegal
It's been so much fun. I've really enjoyed it. I think it's such a good idea. We're going to actually use all the tech today. Have a play.
David Graham - CRO, Just:Access
The nice thing about that is that it breaks down barriers, introduces people. They can approach it in a far more casual way.
Richard Tromans - Founder, Artificial Lawyer
At a lot of big legal tech events, you know it's just like a big queue. People go past all the booths, but here is a much more friendly, personal atmosphere.
Catherine Bamford - CEO & Founder, BamLegal
And it's also just been really nice to come back together as a community, to be honest. There's some people here today, that I haven't seen in two or three years and it's just been nice to reconnect.